
2010 Primetime Emmy Award Picks.

Since there's nothing much on the movie front to write about, i've decided to delve into one of my own personal guilty pleasures: award shows.  The Primetime Emmy Awards are this Sunday at 8pm and this is the first year that I can say i've seen a good majority of the nominees, so i've decided to write about my picks in the top categories for the upcoming ceremony.  These picks are my own opinions, not who I think will win, and will probably not coincide with the inevitable winners.  But I can dream, can't I?


And so it begins.

Considering I currently use my Facebook to profess my opinion about every movie I see, I figured I should pursue some kind of outlet that makes that easier. I also figure I better start jotting down all of my thoughts on movies so I can come back later on and reflect. I hope this goes as successfully as I want it to and maybe gets a few hits out of it.

Let's see.